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Vuelta al materialismo

En estos tiempos donde cualquier cosa es motivo de una reivindicación afectada y traumafílica, es importante volver a la lucha por las condiciones materiales de las mayorías en lugar de pretender que todo el mundo adore nuestra individualidad.

Irie Jones, precioso personaje de White Teeth de Zadie Smith:

We are so convinced on the forgiveness of ourselves and the goodness of our love we can not bear to believe that there might be something more worthy of love than us, more worthy of worship. Greeting cards certainly tell everybody deserves love. No, everybody deserves clean water, not everybody deserves love all the time.

Strategic Network Manager, an exchange with David Graeber

Most of us like to talk about freedom in the abstract, even claim that it’s the most important thing for anyone to fight or die for, but we don’t think a lot about what being free or practicing freedom might actually mean  What a genuine free society might actually be like?

David Graeber in Bullshit Jobs

On 2017, David Graeber was doing research for his last book Bullshit Jobs, we had a brief email exchange about it and I shared with him my involvement within a bullshit scheme. He was super nice, gave me some comments and it was really cool to experience how approachable he was.

A bullshit job is a pointless occupation, nor the worker nor the employer can justify its existence and, moreover, both feel obliged to pretend that this is not the case. The existence of these jobs is problematic because they constitute most of the workforce and their purpose is basically just to maintain decadent capitalistic morals of competition and power. Also, Graeber explains that bullshit jobs are a form of psychological violence, because it is certainly not nice that such a ridiculous arrangement where you will never find fulfillment is central to your life.

While the book mostly focus on the private sector, I said to David that bullshit jobs exist in the not-for-profit world too, and while he knew about scams within charity circuits we agreed that my experience was a more sophisticated type of bullshit cycle. I’m not going to share the whole exchange, I actually censored some parts of my message to avoid conflama but hopefully this tiny think piece on exploitative business models in the philanthropy world can ignite some change.

I’ve been thinking a lot on Graeber’s work since he passed away a couple of weeks ago, I reflected on how important his work was for me, I even shared some of his ideas with my students yesterday. His level of clarity and theoretical innovation is my inspiration and I hope I can adopt that spirit for my own practice. It’s weird but I also have to admit that I felt some satisfaction, some comfort of being informed about his death by many friends. It was comfort about being effective in transmitting his vision, that for sure is his merit for his capacity to synthesize complex philosophical theories and connect them with real people affairs, a level of clarity that even stays in the minds of drunk, stoned millenials. Again, being just a bit like him would be a dream for me.

Rest in power, legend.

Dear David

I’d like to share my experience in a bullshit job.

I worked in a Latin American non-profit dedicated to ▓▒░(°◡°)░▒▓. Among the subjects this organisation claimed to cover were ┬─┬ノ( º _ ºノ), (x(x_(x_x(O_o)x_x)_x)x) and ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ✩‧₊˚. All really relevant issues, however, in strictly practical terms, all these well-intentioned objectives are meaningless in the industry of international NGOs. A bullshit industry.

Most of the funding to do this ▓▒░(°◡°)░▒▓ work comes from big international foundations such as the Soros or the Ford Foundation, also from governmental «aid» programs of wealthy countries such as the United States, the Netherlands or Sweden. They give funds to intermediary organisations, most in the first world too, they keep a big piece of the cake (I’ve even seen grants of 11 million dollars!) and the rest is given to organisations like the one where I worked, which claims to be a regional institution and it is based in South America.

But the chain doesn’t finish there. My job was to receive those funds, keep a big part of them for the organisation and spend the minimum possible contracting the actual work (as educational workshops, research, lobbying) to local parties.

It would not be uncommon to see a flow of money like the following:

        • Big donor gives global NGO based in the US 11M USD to do local work in the global south
        • NGO based in the US subgrants 50K to regional NGO (where I worked)
        • Regional NGO pays less than 1K USD to local researcher or trainer and then reports her work to the global NGO so they can report it to the big donor.

Since university I’ve been a feminist activist and participated in a lot of anti-capitalist instances. I honestly thought that working in an NGO would be much less depressing than in the private sector (been there too and it was hell), but the structure I’ve just described is practically taken from a manual of exploitation and colonialism. Sometimes I think I would prefer to do that kind of job in a corporation that is openly parasitical since the narrative of the supposedly benevolent «human rights» industry makes everything worse, these people love money and power as much as a regular CEO and it is obvious how convenient it is for everybody that the problems these people claim to be solving stay unresolved.

Congratulations on your work, I loved The Utopia of Rules. Hope my testimony is helpful :)


GPG encrypted communication and its literary possibilities

In this text I will describe very briefly the process of encrypted communication, specifically the GPG protocol which is used worldwide by people who need to protect their emails and the possibilities of this process for the scholarly analysis and the reading of literary texts.


Comuna de El Bosque

quisiera hacer un elogio
de la inmundicia, la miseria, la droga y el suicidio:
yo, poeta marxista privilegiado,
que posee instrumentos y armas ideológicas para combatir

-Pier Paolo Pasolini

Utopian deepfakes

No technology will solve a social problem, that’s a lesson I’ve learned after years of working on public interest tech and its intersection with art and activism.

While deepfakes and synthetic media in general, represent a new threat for democracies worldwide, it is the emergence of fascism in digital environments, a cultural phenomenon, the one that has facilitated and promoted the dissemination of fake content despite its visual accuracy.

In South America for example, fake content promoted by fascists is not really sophisticated visually, however, it has been useful for the spread of ideologies of hate that have installed conservative and authoritarian right-wing regimes in places such as Brazil, Chile, and Bolivia.

I think we need an affirmative vision rather than a palliative approach that will alarm society on the problematic consequences of synthetic media. I believe we are in front of a technology that provides us with an unique opportunity to release our imagination and address a millenary philosophical question: what is reality?

I have a vision of deepfakes that will advance communist horizons. Fictitious devices that will address central struggles of our time. I want to project those utopian visions in the form of deepfakes.

Extraordinary holiness

El 2019 cumplí mi sueño de conocer Cuba. Pasé mi cumpleaños en Tokio, canté In the End en un karaoke de Nueva York con el Javi y fui a la fiesta de mis sueños en Manchester <3

En la oscuridad se encuentra de todo

En la luna

Vive una liebre

Que fabrica el elixir de la inmortalidad

Pero no se lo entrega a cualquiera

Las criptomonedas no te han hecho rico
y la universidad fue una estafa
no serás un carismático líder político
pero por más que lo desees tampoco serás un empresario

Una serpiente se está enrollando en tu cuerpo
y te preguntas a dónde se fueron todas las mujeres.
Estás en el computador divulgando esas conspiraciones hediondas a soledad
que ya ni siquiera enojan a la gente.

Hoy te quiero decir
Eres bienvenido
En serio
No me digas que no

¿Pero qué podría ofrecerte yo?

Perdona si esto da la impresión de que mi pensamiento está hablando por ti
en Rotterdam hoy están lloviendo hachas y a los cinco minutos está saliendo el sol.

Gatito montés de los semidesiertos
Depredador esquivo
Al menos deberías saber
que voy a recordar por siempre

Todas las veces que me defendiste

De la gente que no me soportaba

Por bailar al ritmo

De nuestra propia canción

Feminist essentials <3

Mi amiga Daniela, neurocientífica brillante, me pidió hace unas semanas recomendaciones de literatura feminista. Me emocioné con la petición y con la humildad de mi amiga. Sentí que a veces me pongo tan perdida en sofisticaciones filosóficas que se me olvida lo más básico: todas esas autoras fantásticas gracias a las que estoy donde estoy.

Así que pongo acá las recomendaciones que hice para que no se me olviden nunca <3


Mi homenaje a Tu Señora

Final paper – Affirmative collective memory for the recent traumatic history of Chile

Febrero – Fascination vertigineuse et distanciation intelligente

«Finally, it does not involve a future with the unfolding of time and its uncertainties, or anyway its successive moments. It is not a successive time but a sort of immediate time, gathered up into a point, which must make one consider that all the worst misfortunes of the world, which will happen to you anyway, are already present. They are imminent with regard to the present you are living. You see then that it is not at all a case of thinking about the future that is an exception to the general mistrust of thinking about the future. In reality, within this mistrust, it is a nullification of the future by making everything possi­ble present, if you like, in a sort of present test of thought. We do not start from the present in order to simulate the future: we give ourselves the entire future in order to simulate it as present. It is therefore a nullification of the future».
-Michel Foucault, The Hermeneutics of the Subject (clase del 24 de marzo de 1982)


Enero 2019 – No cameras no lights but a lot of action

«Si tú eres el mismo Diablo yo seré tu San Miguel»
-Daddy Yankee, Salud y Vida


Diciembre 2018 – la que puede puede y yo puedo

“No quiero una familia nueva, no quiero otra familia, las familias son un asco”
-Kevin McCallister

“The moral of the tale is this: whoever allows himself to be whipped, deserves to be whipped”
-Leopold von Sacher-Masoch, Venus in Furs

“And we can feel shame at being human in utterly trivial situations, too: in the face of too great a vulgarization of thinking, in the face of TV entertainment, of a ministerial speech, of ‘jolly people’ gossiping. This is one of the most powerful incentives towards philosophy”
-Gilles Deleuze, Negotiations


Noviembre 2018 – Educar a tu torturador

This is the essential point: pain only acquires signifi­cance in relation to the forms of repetition which condition its use.
Gilles Deleuze – Coldness and Cruelty


Octubre 2018 – lecturas reparativas

Soy viejo de cuerpo y joven de espíritu
Me pasa la cuenta esta actitud
Mucho vicio y poca virtud
Uno más de la multitud
-Sentinela del Norte, Vales Junaeb


Septiembre 2018 – disidencia material

«Living-with and dying-with each other potently in the Chtulucene can be a fierce reply to the dictates of both Anthropos and Capital»
-Donna Haraway, Staying with the Trouble
